Stay Up with Gatorade and Messi

02 24 2016

STALKR’s latest project involving living football legend Lionel Messi is Gatorade’s Win from Within campaign. It carries with it a message that transcends sport. Its message is not only relevant to the unique way he plays his game, but more importantly, to the times we live in. Stay up, and defy the odds. Don’t Go Down.

In a world full of uncertainty and peril, where at times it might seem easier to throw in the towel, here is a man that unites people across time, place, age, gender and nationality, bringing together all those who’ve ever been tackled, exhausted or tested, to give Gatorade’s message its real meaning.

No stone was left unturned on STALKR’s third project with Messi in under a year. Several months of working with endless hours of footage, STALKR helped shape one of the centrepieces of Gatorade’s inspirational campaign. From Messi’s days as a kid on a muddy field in Rosario, Argentina to the man he is today, arguably greatest player the sport has ever seen. And he’s not going down.

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