What We’re Watching: Thank God For The Rain

02 04 2016

Perhaps it’s the constant rain in New York or the projected El Niño in Los Angeles, but the sense of downpour is literally in the air.

So it seems to be the perfect set of circumstances to revisit Travis Bickle’s “Thank God for the Rain” monologue from Taxi Driver. Written by Paul Schrader, directed by Martin Scorsese, and expertly executed by Robert De Niro, the monologue is as effective as it is eerie.

To hone in on the mood and feel of that monologue which sets the mood for the pathological narrative to come, Piotr Kabat created a masterfully animated video to illuminate the narration which was selected as one of Vimeo’s Staff Picks.

It’s our pick to watch this week. The film was created using rotoscoped frames in Photoshop. After Effects was implemented to create the textures and colors that play so perfectly to the detached voice of De Niro. Check out more of the Krakow-based filmmaker’s work on his site here.

And just in case you want to revisit the actual monologue from the film to judge Piotr’s evocative take…