The Super Bowl’s fourth-quarter ad break held one of the biggest surprises of the night, with the unannounced debut of Jeep’s Owner’s Manual, a Harrison Ford-starring commercial directed by James Mangold.
In noted contrast to the usual thirty-second, cameo-packed Big Game ad, Jeep’s two minute spot is more short film than commercial. The story, underscored by Ford’s insightful monologue, takes the viewer on a reflective journey into the freedoms of choice that defines the American people and makes the country so unique.
The film uses epic, cinematic shots to explore the nation’s landscapes, contrasted with intimate, textural moments of its star. Archive footage and stills, sourced by STALKR, deepen the narrative by showing Jeep’s unique heritage, along with nods to Ford’s rich cinematic history.
Owner’s Manual comes out of agency Highdive Chicago, with Variety, The Hollywood Reporter and Ad Week all featuring the spot.