In the early 1960’s, Bob Dylan wrote The Times They Are A-Changin’ as a response to the political beliefs dividing America. It was a reaction to the fight for Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, the burgeoning free love movement and so many other frustrations sitting heavy on the hearts and minds of people across the country.
The latest spot for Banner Health channels Dylan’s timeless lyrics toward new meaning with scenes from the pandemic today. From mass public gatherings and intimate dinner parties of just a few months ago, we’ve all learned to live with remote learning, Zoom happy hour, and drive-by birthday parties. However, none of these everyday moments we’re all experiencing are easily brought to the screen through live-action production while we’re all still constrained by Covid.
Our solution was to work directly with independent filmmakers who have kept busy in quarantine shooting authentic moments from their own lives, including STALKRFILM director Russell Brownley, whose beautiful short film, New Normal, figures prominently.