Get Behind the Wheel with Honda

09 01 2022

In their latest film, Honda takes us behind the wheel to celebrate 70 years of engineering prowess.

Voiced by John Cena, and using archive footage sourced and cleared by STALKR, the spot is a dizzying journey in which the viewer is literally placed in the driver’s seat.

From this unique POV we’re front and centre to the Honda experience. Whether it’s speeding down a 1940’s street, racing across the desert, or soaring through the sky, we viscerally explore the past and present of the brand before powering forward into the future and the next evolutionary step, with the Honda eVTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) taking flight through a city of the future.

This thrilling journey aptly demonstrates the brand’s reputation for innovation, showing us that for every challenge, and for each doubt voiced, Honda have not just met expectations but exceeded them.

The end result is a dynamic spot that showcases how a creative brief and inventive use of archive footage can produce a truly compelling and cinematic experience.

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